Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Smart Oakland Project: "Together Growing Brighter"

As project manager, I took it upon myself to develop a motto for this unique endeavor. A good motto should inspire no less than it should guide (by succinctly expressing shared values and principles).

To this end, I propose that the motto for the Smart Oakland Project be, "Together Growing Brighter".

The idea is that the more we work together, in open and transparent ways facilitated by enabling technologies, and draw strength from the fact that our community is ultimately grounded in a specific place and time that is subject to growth (and decay) no less than the majestic oak trees that call our city home, the more we empower ourselves to not only imagine a brighter future for ourselves and posterity, but to make plans, assess risks and alternatives, forge partnership, harness resources, and direct our collective energy toward the realization of that very future.

I invite you to respond to this proposal.

1 comment:

  1. Good start--it really helped get the creative juices going! But after some thought, and inspired by the youth initiative that was launched this morning, I would like to propose not a motto, but a formula:

    "Your Ideas + Your City = The Future of Smart"


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